Feeling Lost, Confused, Overmatched?
Almost everything you've been taught about hitting from the mainstream is a dead end. The Mechanical Model is just a million desperate fixes chasing results and it leads no where. All the problems you're experiencing? They're all timing related and the clock is ticking. The message delivered in this video is long overdue. The Timing Model is a paradigm shift based on the natural timing and movement principles.
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Timing Mastery COMMUNITY!
Sign Up To Powered Up Your Hitting If you want to be a great hitter you gotta do what the best hitters do and master that natural movement and natural timing principles so you never miss your pitch!
The Old Paradigm Is A Dead End!
THE OLD WAY is the Mechanical Model where 99% of hitters get their information and they're stuck in a loop making a million desperate fixes chasing a feel and chasing results.
THE NEW WAY is The Timing Model and the only path if you're serious about reaching your potential as a hitter. No one gets to the big leagues without a mentor leading and fully buying into the timing model.
If you want to be a great hitter you gotta do what the best hitters do.

Randomly chasing a feel using a million different desperate fixes chasing results.

The Big League timing model. Mastering the natural timing & natural movement principles.
The 4D F.I.T. Timing Model
The Natural Timing Principles are your ticket to a speedy & lasting transformation. Good pitching gets out good hitting and there will come a point where the pitching is just better than you...which is why big league hitters learn to manage the natural timing principles and it becomes their super power and when they get their pitch - they don't miss.
Schedule A Strategy Call
ONE Mind
The MLB Plan.
Never miss your pitch.

ONE Move
Efficient repeatable swing timeline.

ONE Beat
Managing timing variables feeling the beat A-B

The Map
ONE Zone
Orient Depth Timing
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